Notify Plus

Notify Plus

Now you can have a powerful automated messaging service at your fingertips. Within minutes send a single message without having to call multiple numbers. Notify Plus messages can be sent from your phone, computer or mobile app.
Perfect for notifying a group with important information for things like:



  • Up to 200 Contacts: $9.95/mo
    Text Notify Plus feature $4.95
  • 201 – 1000 Contacts: $24.95/mo
    Text Notify Plus Included
  • 1001 – 2500 Contacts: $44.95/mo
    Text Notify Plus Included
  • 2501-5000 Contacts: $64.95/mo
    Text Notify Plus Included
  • 5001 – 10000 Contacts: $84.95/mo
    Text Notify Plus Included

Long-distance calls will incur additional charges.
No equipment or software purchase required.

Compatible with PC, Mac, Android and iOS.

*Some restrictions apply. Messages can be no longer then 2.5 minutes. Service is not to be used as a Reverse 911 notification tool.
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